Food & Nutrition

Nutriceutical Supplements


The popularity of fruits may be attributed to consumers perception of their health benefits.

In the case of fruitjuices, many consumers are now looking for healthy alternatives to the traditional carbonated beverages. Fruits are rich in dietary fibre as well as phytonutrients, especially antioxidants, and have no cholesterol.

The availability in the market of natural fruitjuices derived from fresh fruits is a welcome alternative. Fruits are important sources of vitamins and carbohydrates.

The powder can be used as an ingredient for cooking food or as a flavoring agent in some products. Its advantages consist of.

– A long shelf life at ambient temperature due to low water activity,
– Low logistic expenditures due to little weight and volume,
– Vast multi disciplinary uses.


Vitamin Series Nutriceutical Supplements

Coenzyme Q10CurcuminLycopene
AstaxanthinRed Yeast Rice PowderInulin
Spirulina PowderChlorella PowderVitamin B1
Vitamin B12Vitamin CVitamin d2


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